Stoquart Launches New Subsidiary in Italy

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Stoquart is pleased to announce the launch of Stoquart Italia srl, headed by founder Dimitri Stoquart’s long-time friend and colleague Mario Spoto.

“Some of you may know Mario from his previous work managing a localization department,” Stoquart says. “His joining forces with us is a natural move, an extension of our shared experiences with common end-client projects for various MLVs.Mario, who has a degree in Computer Sciences and 22 years in the translation and localization industry, also has a deep knowledge of machine translation systems to enable all Stoquart offices to tackle additional opportunities in that area.
Mario leads Stoquart Italia srl with the support of several of his previous team members, as well as with the full support of the company’s existing freelance pool and clients with whom Stoquart has built relationships of trust and collaboration over the years. “Our clients will be happy to hear that we can now help with Italian through our new Italian subsidiary,” says Stoquart. “Mario is also developing contacts in Italy who need French services, which we can provide through our offices in Belgium and France.”
Stoquart Italia srl, officially founded on July 31, 2017, is headquartered in Pontedera, a suburb of Pisa. It extends the reach of Stoquart and adds another Roman language to the company’s service offerings. “We are pleased that our continual growth reinforces our strategic position within the industry, benefitting all of stakeholders, from staff to clients and suppliers,” says Stoquart.

“Let us all welcome Mario and other new team members, the latest additions to the Stoquart family!”


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